
Bismarck stones

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The Bismarck stone. The monument commemorating Otto Bismarck is grand, and it was originally even larger. On a mound of large stones stood another, the largest, with a memorial plaque to the chancellor. However, he did not find acceptance after 1945, especially because it was to him that Poles from the Prussian partition "owed" the action of Germanization. When, after World War II, the Western Territories came under the rule of Poland, a new plaque was placed with an inscription about the return of the Western Territories to the Motherland. The stone was transported and erected near Cedynia on Czcibora Hill 14 . After some time, a large monument in the shape of an eagle was built there, commemorating the Battle of Cedynia in 972. And the Bismarck stone is still there, lying in front of the monument - the eagle.

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