
Cistercian Landscape Park and Rudy Wielkie Landscape Compositions

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The landscape park was established here in 1993. It covers an area of ​​49 thousand hectares. ha, to which there are also protection zones with a total area of ​​14 thousand. ha. Natural values ​​as well as historical and cultural values ​​make the park an attractive region for tourists.

The area of ​​the park "Cistercian Landscape Compositions of Rudy Wielkie", characterized by a picturesque landscape, is also characterized by, among others abundance of waters. This has contributed to a significant diversification of the local environment, which is inhabited by many species of plants and animals.

According to the latest studies, there are 49 species of protected plants in the park. The fauna is also varied. The land and water environment is conducive to the life of 14 species of amphibians. There are also 6 species of reptiles, 236 species of birds and 50 species of mammals in the park. Some of the local animals include species entered in the "Polish Red Book of Animals", and therefore endangered with extinction in the country.

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