
Donnersmarck' Yew nature monument

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The thickest tree of this species in the Polish State Forests. Natural monument established in 1989

The tree grows in the forest in the Świerklaniec Forest District, within the administrative boundaries of the city of Kalety - approx. 3.5 km from the Jędrysek forestry office.

The estimated age of the tree is 500-600 years. The tree is 222 cm in circumference and 16 m high (data from 2013). It has a single, regularly cylindrical trunk with a high, conical crown. Therefore, it is believed that it grew in a dense stand and is a remnant of the Silesian Forest.

The tree was first mentioned in the monograph "Waldbuch von Schlesien" ("Księga Lasów Śląskich") from 1906 by the German botanist Theodor Schube. There it was mentioned that the yew was 1.43 m in circumference and 16 m high, and a characteristic, conical crown was marked. It is also reported that a few more yews were growing nearby, but were destroyed by a blizzard that lasted from April 18 to 20, 1903.

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