
The paleontological museum in Lisowice

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The Regional The Paleontological Museum in Lisowice was established in 2008. on the initiative of the inhabitants of Lisowice, based on the greatest Polish palaeontological discoveries.

The eight-year (2006 - 2013) excavation led to the discovery of the bones of the first Polish predatory dinosaur, the Dragon from Lisowice (colloquial name), and the world's largest dicynodont, probably one of the last representatives of this species of mammal-like reptiles, extinct at the end of the Triassic.

The world of plants that is revealed in the excavation of the Lipie Śląskie brickyard is also incredibly rich. Among plant remains in the form of fossilized tree trunks, twigs, tree shoots, seed scales or seeds, researchers have identified fifteen new species of vegetation previously unknown from other places in the world.

The list of discoveries is long and makes a huge contribution to world palaeontology.

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